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How to simply take company accounting into the 21st century? For example by using a mobile app to scan and store receipts in a cloud.

Did you know that the vast majority of companies are struggling with keeping receipts in physical form, sticking them on paper sheets?

How to simply take company accounting into the 21st century? For example by using a mobile app to scan and store receipts in a cloud.

Did you know that the vast majority of companies are, for example, struggling with keeping receipts in physical form by putting them in boxes (like shoe boxes), sticking them on paper sheets, and taking this load to an accounting department once in a while?

Great approach if it wasn't for 2020.

Fortunately, there are exceptions like 6K company that decided to change this. And so the wflow.com app was created.

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Why are paper receipts a problem?

If you have never had to stick and collect paper receipts, then congratulations and be aware that this is an activity that takes many hours (without exaggeration) that employees could dedicate to more meaningful and order-bringing business.

The second disadvantage is the error rate of such a system - managers often forget to bring receipts and create unpaired payments, accountants are chasing employees to finally bring everything to them, employees often do not know when to deliver what to whom…

In short, such a form of accounting does not belong to the 21st century. It's not even necessary to use such form, because there are already available technologies, that can change this, but only a few people use them.

Unable to settle for established orders, 6K developed the wflow.com cloud platform, but lacked the tools to get the documents into it. That's when we, SYNETECH, came to the scene.

We are a software company and we have professionals who have been developing the accounting system for 25 years. But we had no experience with mobile apps and wanted to pass this work to professionals as well. SYNETECH won the tender, which started a cooperation, that was very pleasant, proactive and we were completely satisfied with the whole process. Dates met, the application works and we want to expand it together in the future! ”

Robert Soudný, CEO of 6K

How does the mobile app work?

Simply put - you spend your company money, get a receipt, take a photo of it with the app and the document is stored in the cloud.

The accountant thus has everything he needs and the employee doesn't have to care of the receipt anymore. Fast, simple and efficient solution.

This mobile app is a great addition to the wflow cloud platform and brings new customers to 6K.

Who's life is simplified with the app?

Every company with employees who leave the office from time to time.

Film production is an example, that is a real challenge in terms of receipts. There are dozens or even hundreds of temporary workers on the set and every day every temporary worker spends some of company money. Although these may be small items, everything still needs to be entered into the accounts, and this is almost impossible under normal circumstances. Well - it was.

Now everyone just takes a picture of the bill and does not have to deal with anything else.

Another satisfied client is a transport company with more than fifty drivers around the world and then any smaller business of course.

Another great specialty of wflow is the edge detection feature, which, as the name suggests, detects the corners of the accounting document and completely trims the background, which of course looks much better than in other similar applications and users and clients appreciate this feature a lot.

mobile app for accounting

Towards an accounting future

If companies are currently investing in optimization and efficiency, the first areas are usually sales and marketing activities, while administration is the last, because it is not visible outside. But if the company wants to work on overall efficiency, it must not forget to optimize internal processes, because that can save considerable resources.

Today, the accounting departments act as a pyramid with few senior positions and a plethora of assistants, trainees and juniors due to routine administration - for example, copying receipts every month, which accounts for 80% of the job.

But as soon as the already available technologies are used, the basic administration will be fully automated (machine learning, API communication, automatic information exchange) with the least possible manual intervention. This will make accounting companies and departments partners for the top positions in a company and thanks to their data, it will improve their bosses' or clients' businesses, not drowning in routine.

Are you about to do a revolution in accounting internal processes too?

Do you also want a mobile app?

Company 6K can help you with the accounting digital transformation and we SYNETECH will find the right technological solution.


If you are interested, how much does a mobile apps cost, we've prepared simple overview for you.


České appky, které dobývají svět

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